Teaching in Crisis – Post-Assessment Questionnaire

Congratulations! You completed the final section of this module.

Please complete the evaluation survey below to provide feedback on this module.

You will receive your module certificate once your response is submitted.

Please indicate your level of agreement with FM Pivot Module Evaluation Questions

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly diagree
The learning objectives for this module were clear.
The learning objectives were met.
I was easily able to register for and access this module.
The module contents were easy to navigate.
The content was relevant to my clinical practice/teaching.
I feel confident in my ability to apply the content in my practice/teaching.
The resource materials were useful.
The content was balanced and unbiased.
I will be able to apply what I’ve learned to improve health outcomes in my community.
I would recommend this module to a colleague,

Please identify which components of the module were most useful to your clinical practice/teaching.

Which were least useful?

Did you perceive a degree of commercial bias in any part of the module?

Do you have any suggestions for future module topics?

We are hoping to conduct a followup evaluation on FM Pivot later in the year.  May we contact you for a brief followup questionnaire or interview at this time?  If so, please include your email address here:

Any final suggestions/comments?

Download your Certificate